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Annie has been playing piano since she was 8 years old. She has never wavered from her musical passion. She is trained in advanced piano from the Sydney Conservatorim and has a bachelor of music from Sydney university. She also hold a Licentiate Piano Performance diploma through Trinity College of London. 

Composition Work

As a regularly performing pianist, Annie's compositions are mostly for solo piano, and has had several original pieces published. She has also long been interested in the relationship between music and other artforms like film and dance. Annie has experience over many years playing for ballet classes and residential schools, and she has composed a number of pieces specifically for use by dance teachers.

Annie is very passionate about writing for the screen


Wirripang - Australian Composer

Since June 2020, Annie's has had several piano pieces were published by Wirripang, a publisher that exists to promote Australian composers.


One of these pieces has been included in the Anthology of Australian Women Composers Vol. 3, published by Wirripang in 2020.


See Published works sheet music

Original Albums

Annie has written and recorded two original albums of solo piano music. They can be viewed and purchased on the music section of this site. 


She has also recorded many multi-intsrumental original tracks which can be heard at Soundcloud




Film Score

In late 2020, Annie was commissioned to write the music for an Australian feature film Advice to a Brokenhearted Girl.


Opening sequence from Andrew Russell's film Advice to a Brokenhearted Girl.  Soundtrack by Annie Burbank.

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